Birdsville, the Strzelecki Track, The Dig Tree – if these icons are on your list it’s worth considering a diversion to nearby Sturt National Park beyond Cameron Corner.

I’d never heard of it, but I’m always curious to explore new national parks – to try and see some of what makes each place special.

As we drove into the park we were soon flanked. On both sides of the track hundreds of kangaroos bounced along with us. I’d never seen anything like it!

In fact this park is what I would picture an Australian Safari to be. I’d never seen so many roos, and there were emus, eagles and all kinds of birds at the waterholes too – it was incredible!

The landscape itself has a rugged beauty. It’s a barren place, but it’s pristine – a credit to fellow travellers and the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service.

Amongst otherwise flat country there are a couple of sections of track known as “jump-ups” where the track does exactly that.

It’s a quiet place too. Or at least it was for us – we didn’t see another vehicle or camper during our stay.